Provider Referral Line 580-225-DOCS
Patient Information

We realize that you may feel overwhelmed about your visit. Be reassured that our doctors, nurses, therapists and healthcare professionals at Great Plains Regional Medical Center will do everything they can to care for you and your family.

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Should you require a home healthcare agency, a list will be provided for you and the Case Manager can arrange for any care that you need. Your Case Manager or Home Health Representative can help answer the basic three questions asked by patients about Home Healthcare
Find out moreswing bed

The Swing Bed Unit is designed for patients who no longer need acute care in a hospital, but still require additional short-term care before discharge. Rehabilitation and specialized nursing care are emphasized.
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When your doctor decides you are ready to leave the hospital, a discharge order will be written. You may want to make arrangements with a family member or friend to help you when it’s time to go home. When you are ready to leave, a member of the hospital staff will escort you to the front entrance and help you into the car.
Find out moresafety

We protect our patients from errors, injuries, accidents, and infections. For your protection, the hospital conducts fire and disaster drills regularly. The hospital is a fire-resistant building and the staff is trained in fire protection.
Find out moreaccommodations

Your room assignment at Great Plains Regional is based upon your admitting diagnosis and the bed availability on the day of your admission.
Find out morefood services

Nourishing and well-balanced meals are an important part of your treatment and recovery. Great Plains Regional Medical Center makes every effort to provide nutritious meals that are prepared according to your doctor’s orders.

A program that Great Plains Regional Medical Center has established that will help support the community needs of indigent patients. Great Plains Regional Medical Center will budget and fund a reasonable amount of Charity Care each year.
Find out moreHEALTH PORTAL

Using your secure portal you will be able to view: Medical History, Lab Reports, etc...
Check out your health recordsPAY ONLINE

Pay your bill online. If you have any trouble logging on or have other questions please call us at 1-855-264-4852.
Pay your bill onlinePRIVACY PRACTICES

Great Plains Regional Medical Center and all of its affiliated entities (collectively referred to as “GPRMC”) are committed to protecting your medical information.
Find out moreYour rights

Great Plains Regional Medical Center and Medical Staff have adopted the following statement of patient rights. This list shall include but not be limited to the rights of a patient to:
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